Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wheres are the pool passes?

My 2 yr old niece Ashleigh Julia (9) and Braxy

Brax and I

He would try to swim it was the cutest thing

So Im back in suburbia...Life is great once again! I love visting home in Arkansas and I love my family I just love Maryland so much more :P Today was eventful we went to the pool with my sister-in-law and my 2 nieces Julia and Asheligh and my nephew Chase who is currently under construction in the tummy :) I love my in laws so much they are a blast to be around ever since the day I met them they have welcomed me as if I had been around for years. I dont know if the reason is due to my husbands ex being a big pain or if they really just liked me for me. Im sure they just liked me :) haha.. I love my sis in law Jo she is the best. Shes a RN and very knowledgeable about babys bc she works in the NICU so shes there to answer all my questions. Plus I mean she had raised two wonderful children who mind very well and are just all around well adjusted people. Id like to know her secrets I mean she has been married 11 years to my husbands brother and well they are still extremly happy with their lives, they are great role models. I decided today I belive I want to become a nurse so we will see. Anyways my poor lil guy has his 4 month shots in the am so I have to get to bed I pray that it goes well for him this time last time it was horrible. And for anyone intrested my spiritual war is still going me crazy but I am dead serious I need to change but it seems to get harder as the days go on to get myself right!UGHH Im workin on it.. Make me good God. and again I say Make me good God.

1 comment:

JoEllen said...

the pool looks like so much fun! LOL @ Brax trying to swim! he is so cute!!

i know what you mean about the spiritual warfare. you are in my thoughts and prayers- i know firsthand how tough it can get when it feels like you are working so hard to be better.